Dependent Visa



This is an impermanent visa for a kid or stepchild of a brief parent accomplice visa and has not yet been allowed a lasting accomplice visa.

This implies that the kid's parent should hold one of the accompanying visas:

brief Partner visa (subclasses 309 or 820)

brief Spouse visa (subclasses 309 or 820)

impermanent Interdependency visa (subclasses 310 or 826)

Candidates for this visa will require sponsorship from a similar individual supporting the kid's visa- holding guardian.

Note: If this visa is in truth, the youngster should stop a different application for a similar perpetual visa as their parent before a choice is made on the parent's lasting visa application.

Who is this visa for?

This visa is for a reliant youngster whose parent holds a brief accomplice visa that does exclude the kid.

What does the visa let the visa holder do?

This visa permits the visa holder to head out to and from, or stay in Australia however long their parent's impermanent visa is substantial, or until the parent's lasting visa application is settled.


Support (Parent)

The support should be:

supporting the kid's visa-holding guardian

  • ready to support the kid and any of the youngster's relatives likewise remembered for the application and who are moving with the kid
  • In the event that a Dependent Child visa is in truth, the support should offer help for the kid, including guaranteeing the arrangement of convenience and giving monetary help needed to meet the kid's sensible living necessities:

  • during their initial two (2) a long time in Australia (if the youngster is applying abroad)
  • for the two (2) a long time following the award of the youngster's visa (if the kid is applying in Australia)

Candidate (Child)

A total application should be stopped for the candidate, including all application structures, supporting documentation and application charges. On the off chance that the application meets all visa models, the candidate might be conceded this visa.

The youngster's parent will generally stop the application for the kid.

Note: After being allowed this visa, a different application should be held up for the kid for a similar perpetual visa as their parent. This application should be held up before a choice is made on the parent's perpetual visa application.