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International Education & Immigration Consultancy (IEIC), planned in 2005 and founded in year 2007, pioneered the concept of educational and immigration counselling in Northern India and curren...
We are an established migration agency composed of professionals that assist individuals, professionals and corporates in attaining a visa to Australia. We provide a comprehensive and seamless service for all migration matters and we speak your language............
Services include Immigration advice and information based on current legislation, full assessment of visa options, requirements, the migration process, visa and skills assessment application preparation and advocating you for review applications in the Tribunal (AAT)......
Stay up to date with Australian immigration and visa news. We do our best in updating our blog with useful information. We are Melbourne based and our wealth of knowledge enable us to obtain outstanding migration outcomes for our clients........
Take the Online Student Visa Assessment.
Take the Online Work & Live in Australia.
Move Your Business to Australia..
Obtain an ETA or E-Visitor Visa.
Work and Travel in Australia.
Join Your Family in Australia.
International Education & Immigration Consultancy (IEIC), planned in 2005 and founded in year 2007, pioneered the concept of educational and immigration counselling in Northern India and curren...
International Education & Immigration Consultancy (IEIC), planned in 2005 and founded in year 2007, pioneered the concept of educational and immigration counselling in Northern India and curren...
International Education & Immigration Consultancy (IEIC), planned in 2005 and founded in year 2007, pioneered the concept of educational and immigration counselling in Northern India and curren...